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2015 Schedule of International Christian Fellowship - Nijmegen

Currently ICFN (International Christian Fellowship - Nijmegen) have meetings ONCE a month - at 11 AM every 2nd OR 4th Sunday of the month. God's wiling, our fellowship meetings will be conducted more frequently in the future. We have our meetings at Kan. van Mulicomstraat 20, house near the Radboud university Campus(see the maps below). You are always welcome to join us. Please contact us for more details. Please note the recent address change from August 2015, to near University Campus.

Address: Kan. van Mulicomstraat 20, 6525 VL Nijmegen
Timing: Every 2nd OR 4th Sunday 11:00 AM

Schedule 2015:

Here is our weekly Bible Study schedule.

Older schedule here.

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Page History: Last revised on 15 Jul 2015

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