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Bible Message/Preaching : Character of the People of Faith in the Storm

25Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea. 26And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, "It is a ghost!" And they cried out for fear. 27But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid." 28And Peter answered Him and said, "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water." 29So He said, "Come." And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. 30But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, "Lord, save me!" 31And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" 32And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. 33Then those who were in the boat came and worshiped Him, saying, "Truly You are the Son of God." (Matthew 14:22-33)

This do not exhaustedly explore all characters of the People of Faith, but from the perspective of Peter’s water walk in the Storm.

Characters of people of faith:

  1. Recognise God's presence (v28)
    • Discern the call - between faith & foolishness
  2. In obedience, go out of the comfort-zone (v22, v29)
    • keep our focus on Him!
  3. Except problems as challenges (v24)
  4. Accept fear as the price for the growth
  5. Master failure management (v30)
    • See failure as an opportunity to grow
  6. Learn to wait on the Lord (v25, v31)
  7. Develops a deeper connection with the Lord in Worship (v33)


    Faith is not risk-taking, but obedience
  • - discerning the call needs wisdom
  • - seek God's will
  • - its a cycle, we must know Him to recognise Him! (which is the last point - intimacy)
The call is an opportunity:(v22)
  • it often involves crisis, many failures, lot of fear, sometimes sufferings (v24, v30)
  • and always is a task too big for us to do by our own! (v29)
  • But its the way to grow and partner with God! Peter said: 'to come to You' & he came towards Jesus!
  • The objective is to go towards Jesus! To be more like Him!
  • Comfort-zones

    1. Intellectual areas – what we know for sure and that works,
      • trouble to try new things
    2. Jobs/careers – afraid to change
      • For many, work is the new religion!
      • They sacrifice and offer their life at the altar of the career!
    3. Wealth/Success – many are driven by success and are afraid to fail
      • they are after praise rather than the need
    4. Relationships – comfortable with somebody
      • is not God's purpose for us
    5. Church/Ministry – Pleasing others rather than God!


    Why do we fear if we're walking (on water) with Jesus ? – its already a miracle!
    The wind was already there for hours, but what changed now? Fear! (v30)
    The following are the common fears that keeps us in the comfort-zone:
    1. Rejection & Pain – the reality is that we live in a fallen world,
      • we've to accept certain pain and rejection as part of sin
      • sufferings are to make us into His image (Rom 8:17)
    2. Death – it is a reality for everyone!
      • one day we've to face it!
      • the question is are we ready to face it
      • or do we've unfinished businesses?!
    3. Uncertainty – if we're honest, everything is uncertain!
      • Its a matter of preparing ourself for the worst-case scenarios
    4. Change – is inevitable and is part of growth,
      • everything change around us some predictable, but others less or not!
    5. Poverty – dependent on what we consider it as! (Pro 30:7-9)
      • we must remember spiritual poverty
    6. Failure – Failure is not an event/situation,
      • but judgement about an event!

    Failure Management

    Its not failure that helps us to grow, but how we respond to 'failure'
    The tragedy of an 'unopened gift', If the gift remains in the box, its shameful for the giver!
    An expensive 'china-ware'
    • Its so valuable that it can't be risked
      • not often used
      • others can't appreciate its beauty/usefulness always
      • but not broken!
    • Its so valuable that it MUST be risked
      • use as much as possible
      • everyone can see and enjoy the gift
      • chance to get broken
    In the parable of the 3 servants and the master who entrusted His riches to them (Mt 25:14-30)
    the lazy and wicked servant did not do anything with His gift! he was judged for doing nothing! (Jas 4:17) Why would someone bury his/her gift?
    Fear, comparison and sloth (laziness)! The fact is that the master is coming back & He'll require account from us!!
    We must invest the gift -> sowing of the seed, a wheat grain must die to increase! (Jn 12:24)
    If we do not have enough faith, do something with it, even the first-small-step with the gift is OK!
    Doesn’t matter how much we've, the master of the gift can multiply it
    remember the 5 bread and 2 fishes above this incident!! (Mt 14:16-20) Here in this situation, Peter has to sow his seed, the 'little-faith' he'd! (v31) When we go out of our comfort-zone, obeying the call, He is there with us So in case of a failure, we're not alone. Jesus is there to pick us up! Call upon Him and He'll answer us! (Ps 81:7) When He chastens us, accept and change! Reassurance & obedience: God commands but we've to act on His word
    • asking Peter to step-out in faith! (v27)
    • asking to give the 5 bread and 2 fish into his hands!
    • asking Moses to hold his staff to split the red sea ()
    • asking the priests to put their step for Jordan to stop (Josh 3:13)

    Waiting on the Lord

    Quite often we will have to wait on the Lord for an answer/solution. Our time may not be His time!
    • Disciples had to wait till the 4th watch for Jesus to come to them, (v25)
    • even though He saw their troubles (Mk 6:48)
    • Not only that He calmed the storm only after getting into the boat at the end! (v32)
    • But for Peter, He acted immediately, else he would've sunk! (v31)

    Deeper Connection

    Only way for real growth towards His image!
    • initiates true faith development
    • is the excitement of a relationship
    • necessary for discovering and obeying our call
    The result is that they realised Who Jesus is & Worshipped Him (v33)
    If we lack faith, do not try hard to believe!
    Just try to know Him more! Ask Him for help like the father of the invalid-child (Mk 9:24) The better we know God, the more we know how faithful He is & the more we can trust in Him!
    Which of these characters do we need to apply in our lives now?
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    Page History: Last revised on 23 April 2012

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