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Walking the Way - Living in the Light of Eternity

No one wants to waste his or her life: We want to feel important, and we want to be part of something important. A person’s wealth represents the result of his ambitions, dreams, toil, priorities, time, activities, motives — everything they are. When we commit ourself to live for Jesus, we cannot live just like everyone else. We can either choose to be led by the Spirit, or by the flesh – by our own flesh, or own logic, or driven by other people’s opinions. Our choice to live for Jesus is not just a means to escape hell. It is not just to have our sins forgiven or to have a nice, comfortable life here on earth with good fellowship and a free ride to heaven. Are we willing to walk away from all that we could accumulate on this earth and be content with what the Lord gives us? God will give us the grace to live this life as per He call. Only Lord can provide the balance we need in our walk.

  1. Hearing the Call.
  2. Having the Right Motivation.
  3. Knowing the enemy.
  4. The Price & the Prize
  5. Focus for life


  1. The following book from GFA is a must read for any follower of Jesus, especially for someone who want to serve Him! You can find an e-copy here: Revolution in World Missions
  2. Yet another valued book from GFA is highly recommended. You can find an e-copy here: The Road to reality.
  3. Another book from GFA from which many of the topics has been adapted for this current study: Living in the Light of Eternity.

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Page History: Last revised on 10 Mar 2014

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