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Does the Bible conflicts Science? Is it a made-up by some religious people?

Answer in one sentence:
No, Bible does not conflict with GOOD science! It actually supports the scientific findings!

Answer in detail:

Some argue that Science disproves the Bible and God! This is false dichotomy. Science is the study of the material or natural world. God is, by definition, supernatural, and is outside of science's purview to investigate! This leads to what is known as an unfalsifiable hypothesis and leaves us with three options.

  1. God exists
  2. God do not exist
  3. God could exist in some capacity outside of the material world

Here are some scientific facts from the Bible:
DNA trace of Human race shows that they came out of one woman what scientists name "eve" - Bible said the same laong time ago!
Life is in blood - Gen already written in B.C. discovered by science in 19th century
The Bible states that the earth is suspended in space. “He is stretching out the north over the empty place, hanging the earth upon nothing.”—Job 26:7, written about 1613 B.C.
The earth is round. “There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth.”—Isaiah 40:22, written about 732 B.C.
Water moves in a cycle. “All the winter torrents are going forth to the sea . . . To the place where the winter torrents are going forth, there they are returning so as to go forth.”—Ecclesiastes 1:7, written before 1,000 B.C.
The universe is governed by laws. “I [the LORD] had appointed . . . the statutes [or, laws] of heaven and earth.”—Jeremiah 33:25, written before 580 B.C.

It is possible to believe that death is the original and the ultimate reality. In the beginning, there was no life, no God, no angels, no spirits, no cells, and no amoebae. Life emerged in a cosmic accident and has been evolving ever since. One day, perhaps a few billion years from now, another accident will cause life to completely disappear from the cosmos. That makes death the ultimate reality. But, if that is true, then I have already conceded that all life came out of death! How, then, is resurrection impossible? On the other hand, if the ultimate reality is life—a “living” God who lives outside the space-time continuum, who seeded life into our cosmos—then resurrection must be possible and should be expected.

(To be continued...)

Further References :

  1. The New Evidence that demands a verdict by Josh McDowell. ISBN: 0-7852-4219-8
  2. Institute for Creation Research - ICR
  3. The Book That Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization by Vishal Mangalwadi, Thomas Nelson Publishers

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