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Church Without Walls: Exceptionally Hospitable!

We are having a One week prayer in Nijmegen together with different churches starting Sunday 19th Jan till 26th Jan 2020, organised by the World Council of Churches. This is continuation of the Nijmegen Chain Prayer week in January, March & June 2019. Spare an hour a day with your church/ group / family. Feel free to participate as per your availability & keep these topics in prayer.

Prayer Topics:

  1. God will break the walls between churches - that they will function as the body of Christ. (Jn 17:21-22, Eph 4:13)
  2. Holy Spirit will defeat every denominational spirit, human doctrines & self-centred nature within each & every church. (Eph 4:1-5, Eph 4:14-16)
  3. Every believer will be aware of the Spiritual battle they are involved within the city - beginning with the spirits of roman idols. (Eph 6:10-12)
  4. Every believer can find a church where they can feel at home & those who're going through conflicts may resolve them in love & mutual understanding. (Col 3:12-15, Rom 12:4-10, 2 Cor 5:18)
  5. God has placed me in Nijmegen for special international ministry for the last decade - Let God kindle a revival & bring break-through in Nijmegen & Beyond this year - "the year of new beginnings!". (Mk 16:15-18)
Detailed day-by-day prayer guide in English.
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